There’s a “catch-22” to brain injuries. As our brain is actually the CEO of self-awareness and self-examination, an injured brain’s barometer for how well it is functioning will seem broken. We may not even know what’s entirely “wrong” – just that we feel foggy, unable to initiate or organize, easily tire, much slower in processing or learning, easily frustrated and simply unlike ourselves.
Our first step toward rebuilding that awareness is to make you an expert on your own brain. You’ll learn exactly what happened, how it has impacted your daily function and what tools and adjustments will help you heal and function better. Some of our early guidelines may seem basic, but they make a huge difference in how well your injured gray matter performs. Just as you would not continue running on an injured leg (we hope!), you’ll be asked to give your brain enough time to rest and heal, regular nutrition, therapeutic routines and ensuring prescribed medications are taken and plenty of “brain breaks” throughout the day. You’ll learn to structure your days so that more difficult cognitive tasks are earlier in the day, when you are better rested.
Because a concussion impacts how well you work, study and “do life” – and because it is so widely misunderstood – we will work with you to understand, build skills and get back at it. We will be alongside you to communicate with family members, other providers and school or work personnel to help educate them on the ways you will be affected by this injury and to find strategies to help you ease back in and keep and from failing a class or otherwise falling behind while providing the best opportunities for healing.
We’ll also work with you on skills such as time and task management, visual cues to help prompt better memory and any little “hacks” that will help you regain executive-functioning skills. And the sooner after the concussion we can help, the better. However, even if your concussion(s) was a while ago, it is not too late! If you are still experiencing symptoms; a free consultation is a great way to find out how we can help.
Brain injury:
You may have heard of the brain’s “neuroplasticity” – its incredible ability to adapt, rewire new pathways and learn new things – even after brain injury. That neuroplasticity, along with our proven coaching tactics and your own willingness to get better, will get you back to feeling more like your old self again.