Our goal is to get to know you, so we can help you return to your life and your greatest potential. Just as no two people are alike, neither are the people who suffer from a TBI.
Each individual with a TBI is motivated by different treatment outcomes, each individual has different support networks at home, and each has different levels of energy for therapy and new learning. We realize this, so we will never take a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. We take an honest look at your situation, we do a lot of listening, and we may even (with your permission) gather perspectives from those who know you best. We capture a multi-dimensional portrait of you and what you need. From there, we learn what inspires you to work harder, what you need to feel respected and valued, and which skills you would most like to regain in order to feel like yourself.
We also believe two brains are better than one when it comes to healing your brain! We often connect with people involved with your treatment – from physical therapists and mental-health providers to family members and even work colleagues when appropriate. This collaborative approach seems to net much better results!
As people learn best by doing, we will examine which skills you most want to regain, then find functional ways to practice and rediscover them. Depending on your injury, we may work on practical matters (work on memory tips, routines, household organization), improved interpersonal skills, and better self-care and monitoring (sleep, meals, medication management). We also address fatigue management and increased self-knowledge about your brain, your injury, and how it has affected you. Always, the goal is help you return to whatever work, skills, or interests that most fulfill your life, even if we have to find creative, out-of-the-box ways to practice them.